alex danvers tortured fanfiction
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alex danvers tortured fanfiction
Alex advised Kara to let Mon-El find what he is interested in. Alex arrived to the wedding where she and Kara talked until Sara arrived who asked if Alex was okay after falling out of bed, thus revealing their interaction to Kara. Alex Danvers is a principal character from the Supergirl fandom. Their existence has long since been debated though. i'll update whenever i fee Imagines/one shots of celebrities and some of their characters as well Kara gets ideas, ideas that Lucy both does and doesn't think are kind of sort of a little bit hot, actually. When she awakes, Alex is approached by the mysterious "Doctor" of Cadmus, who said that if she does not want to join them, she will be killed, however Alex was able to fend off the agents and, after a fight broke out between them, she is saved by Kara. Alex had dedicated her life to protecting her sister, Kara, and rarely found time for herself since teenhood. General Information Alex shots Astra from an helicopter and distracts her from the activation of the device. This is my first time participating in this and I am so excited! The DEO is tipped off about an unknown As a teenager Alex Danvers had a one-night stand, which ended in an unplanned pregnancy, the father wanted nothing to do with alex and the baby. Will Lena finally tell Kara how she feels, or will she let the unexpected guest sweep Kara off her feet instead? When the President ordered Alex to fire a cannon at the Daxamite mother-ship, Alex was forced to make the tough call and was hesitant to fire the cannon when it was ready due to Kara being inside it. Kara's daughter, Alura Danvers, becomes ill, and no one can figure out what is wrong with her. training to help her survive. Alex and Sara had one last conversation in which Alex agreed with Sara that she should follow her instincts, they hugged before parting ways. Prior to entering the base, Alex had rigged explosives around the area and had Jeremiah make a choice, her and the aliens or Cadmus, he chose to side with his daughter and the father-daughter duo worked together, but Jeremiah was knocked out and taken. Alex learned that worlds were being destroyed by an antimatter wave so she went to Lena Luthor for help despite not trusting her. Work Search: [37], After dealing with the brief disaster of multiple Brainys, they determine they are all one and the same, just different versions of their Brainy before the new creation of Earth prime. Alex teamed up with M'gann M'orzz, who shape-shifted to look like Supergirl, to be a distraction. Alex was taken care of by Querl, in which Alex decided to watch over Kara, she would use words of encouragement that Querl would use to help Kara awaken. What happens when an ex footballer becomes a doctor to investigate a disease which killed her mother? Lena and Kara have repaired their friendship and it is stronger than ever (El Mayarah ;] ). During the Thanksgiving dinner at Kara's apartment, Alex tried to come out to her mother but was stopped by the opening of a breach. Maggie and Alex the morning after they slept together for the first time. She leaves behind a heartbroken Lena who finds out she is pregnant. Once inside she discovers a random add-on of a haunted house, and frees a couple of people trapped inside. As Astra overcome the Martian, claiming she would give him an "honorable death", Alex stabbed Astra through the back with a Kryptonite sword, killing her. please update!!!!! When Kara arrived, J'onn covered for Alex, claiming that he killed Astra because he could not see any other way to defeat her. Alex then speaks with Kara and admitted that she doesn't know what to feel due to her sleeping with Sara and wondered if she made the right choice when it came to Maggie. Kara sneaks into the D.E.O. With Kelly's help she uses the new lenses, and enters the alternate reality version of Las Vegas. Because her aunt now stood in front of her. Once they awoke, they were imprisoned and discovered that Overgirl was dying from excess solar radiation and that they planned to cut out Kara's heart and put it into Overgirl's. They forced Alex's father to work for them in exchange for not taking Kara away. Kara has a four year old daughter, and only recently has met Lena Luthor. Alex's memories return, and she once again remembers, that Kara and Supergirl are one and the same, her beloved adoptive sister. In the New Earth, Alex's life appears to remain the same, after the creation of Earth-Prime, with the sole exception that Lex Luthor's is an international hero and the owner of the DEO, and now forced to work together. Alex tried to cheer her up and, after they went to the site of a diamond robbery, Alex invited Maggie to go somewhere to hang out. [15], After a Kryptonians attack to Lord Technologies Alex, who over previous investigations has become close with the ambiguous millionaire Maxwell Lord, accepted his invitation to a dinner to interrogate him. Is she Kara Danvers, Kara Zor-El, Supergirl, or Marley Rose? If you'd like to join me, the other prompts can be found on @KMSDraws socials! An alien breaks loose from DEO custody and sends Kara, Team Kara Zor-El and her older twin sister Bexley Zor-El are sent to Earth at the age of 13. The next day however, Alex saw Haley bringing with her a Vertullarian. The next morning, Alex wore Eliza'a name tag to steal dysporium from her mother's workplace for "Brenda's" craft. They go by to get them, but Alex walks in on something she wasn't prepared for. Alex took both of them to the Fortress of Solitude. [39] While dealing with evil Winn, Alex, wanting to solve her problem of working with Lex plant spyware on DEO Internet, but Brainy removes it, not wanting her to get caught. Alex enjoys pizza and eats it more than most foods. She is immediately nervous, and with Kara in Kaznia, she isn't of support. Alex and Jeremiah confront Lillian Luthor. [12] Despite her close connection to Kara being one of the main reasons the D.E.O. A battle erupted between them and Superfriends, but the Children were no match against them. When Kara was 18 she had a baby, but nobody knew. PORSCHE nods his head until he's pinched at the underside of his cock. Alex leads a D.E.O. Alex, weeping, says Kara that she understands how much she has lost and how much she knows Kara wanted to go home, but this is only an illusion. Kenzie Astra Zor-El the littlest and last of the House of El. The two ended up at a hotel room in which the pair had sex, three times. The two complied. I own none of these characters (maybe the kid's names). J'onn reluctantly did. When giving birth Eliza. Upon learning of Nyxlygsptlnz's existence, Alex and the team were explained by Mxyzptlk in song form about Nyxly's past. [47], Alex and the team found Silas White and questioned him about how to get into the Phantom Zone to save Kara. Sent back in time by Alex Luthor-Danvers, Kara Danvers, and Lena Luthor's, son. Alex offers Astra a chance to surrender but they were interrupted by J'onn, who began to fight with her. As she wakes up with an expressionless look, Kara demands to know who did this to her, and Alex responds that it was Non.[7]. Alex tried to convince him due to knowing his Earth-38 counterpart, but he still refused. All the agents, who knew about it, agreed to have their memory erased by J'onn to protect Supergirl. Alex Danvers. Truth is: She's all of them. Upon arriving at the bar, the waitress, Darla, handed out two drinks for the pair of women (ordered by Maggie) before commenting the cop "moving on"; confused, Alex inquires Sawyer if the waitress was a Roltikkon, to which Maggie confirms, along with the fact that she and Darla were formerly a couple, making Alex realize that she was just mistaken by the alien as Maggie's new flame. Third part of my SuperFam series. After this, Alex beat Ben to the ground, and claimed she had wanted to do that to him for some time. Lillian said with pleading eyes, she never saw her mother as hopeless as she is right now. After an intense standoff with her video-player friends, Kelly is able to forcefully awaken her. Supergirl | Adventure Short Stories Future. Mon-El awakened Querl Dox from his hibernation in order to help Kara and Alex watched with the others. However, they are attacked by Indigo, who kidnapped Alex so that Non can later put her under the control of Myriad, forcing her to fight Kara with the intention to kill her. Alex then became hysterical and blamed herself as she was distracted by her new relationship and didn't protect her sister. After they learn about what is happening in National City, Alex and J'onn went back there to help Kara. Alex and her friends celebrated at the wedding and Alex drove off with Kelly in J'onn's car for their honeymoon. On the run from every intelligence organization in the world, hunted by a traitor who's supposed to be dead, and caught in the middle of a civil war between the board members of Scorpia, Alex is pretty sure it doesn't get worse. That is, until she meets Alex and Kara. WAIT! Later, Supergirl and Alex (one in an anti-Kryptonite device and the other in her special exosuit) fought Metallo and together were able to overcome the cyborg, who is ultimately stabbed him in the chest with a piece of pipe by Alex, while Kara held him. IM COMPILING THEM HERE :D Once inside her alternate reality, she decides to be Supergirl. Before she get into her limousine, Alex told Roulette that her time will come and, after that, she invited Maggie to have a drink together, but the detective said she couldn't and left with her girlfriend. She had a close friend keep the baby for her to keep her ray of sunshine safe. Kara was later captured by the D.E.O. Places that were once theirs have changed on Earth-Prime. [55], Alex and the Superfriends wanted to find the totems, but decided to help Kelly and John Diggle investigate the destruction of the Ormfell Building. After the battle, Alex was walking to J'onn's office with Kelly. [26], Later at the D.E.O., Kara and Alex told J'onn they have seen M'gann in the underground fight club and, after both the martians are kidnapped, Alex informed Kara and goes to place where the fighting took place only to finds that there is nothing anymore. tip: austen words:10000-50000 sort:title. Her stubbornness and determination makes that even "Hank Henshaw" decides to help them. and taken back to their base, where Alex revealed her identity as a D.E.O. Alex then showed Kara a room that had been setup containing an Artificial Intelligence program of Alura that had been sent with her pod. Alex sat and cried in her apartment as she was the hologram of Kara in her video will; Kelly entered with breakfast and questioned Alex because Alex specifically said that the video would be watched only if Kara was dead. Alex and Sara teamed up and took down many Nazis as well as knocking out Prometheus. On Earth-Prime, while facing Leviathan, she left the D.E.O. She also reveals that Lex has a clone of Supergirl, who was the real culprit behind the attack on the White House. After a few months, Kara comes b note: * on titles means nsfw content Lena and Kara are not quite friends yet, more so acquittances. Alex and J'onn are nevertheless forced to leave National City as fugitives.[6]. After a brief medical check-up at the D.E.O. hired her, Alex soon proved herself as one of the best agents, quickly becoming "Hank"'s second-in-command. The alien looked up as Alex Danvers stepped into the apartment. Biological Information because she believed that Alex was still the leader. Lena Luthor had always had a weakness for powerful women Kara is sent away after Agent Liberty seeds the air with Kryptonite. I promise I woul. Alex is the fourth character, after Harry. databases, she could not find data on him. They discover surprising discoveries about their parent's past lives. (formerly)Member of Superfriends(in secret)New multiverseDirector of the D.E.O. Unbeknownst to her, Kelly is trying to contact her and wake her up from the outside. Alex and the Superfriends confront Nyxly and Lex. Alex sees she and Kelly are in many ways alike. Female Reader - Character. Any last words before I feed on you, human?. "What happened? However, Alex doesn't remain behind. So the three o Who is she? Unfortunately a mind controlled Superman destroyed it. Lena gets hit with a beam that causes temporary amnesia, resulting in the loss of all of her memories. November 22, 2016. SentinelSupergirl(Obsidian Platinum) After half of the totem left with Nyxly, the Superfriends took it upon themselves to avoid a lightning storm accidentally created by Beatrice Lahr's machine. Lena queda "flechada" de Kara pero Kara se niega a tener alguna relacin con algn Alfa, Omega o Beta. [24], After the assassination attempt on the President, Alex found Detective Sawyer collecting evidence at the airport and asks her what she was doing in her crime scene, Maggie pointed out that she was from NCPD's Science Police and her work is to investigate everything regarding aliens. i'll update whenever i fee Imagines/one shots of celebrities and some of their characters as well When her father was killed, Alex retreated into Obsidian Platinum and adopted the identity of Supergirl until breaking free with Kelly's help. Brainy, acting without emotions, expected Nia Nal to appear in the office through astral projecting. Home universe and aided her sister's fight against the fugitive aliens from Fort Rozz, led by Astra. When Kara comes back from a long mission away, all she wants is to be alone with her girlfriend. (formerly)Member of Superfriends(in secret)D.E.O. Civilian While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. The Hellgrammite abducted Alex and takes her to General Astra, who revealed her true identity after she mistaking her for Alura. During the ceremony Scorcher tried again to assassinate the President; they tried to stop her, but she ran away kidnapping Maggie an bringing her to a factory stock. Thought it was interrupted by a pod flying in the sky catching their attention, causing Kara and J'onn to leave to check it out. Alex snapped, and knocked Haley unconscious. [8], One night, Kara took Alex flying, in spite of the latter's initial protests. Lenas eyes widened as she scrolled down the screen. [10], In 2015, Alex had to attend a conference in Geneva but Flight 237, on which she was traveling, was sabotaged by Vartox in an attempt to kill her and other D.E.O. Kelly calms her down, and by asking, what Kara would do, Alex gets the courage. Read to find out what happens next. agent. You helped anchor the true me, the one that is able to flourish and thrive now.. This memory hurt Alex so much that she repressed it for years, consequently not coming out as a lesbian until much later in life. There, Alex wrote down a wish and placed the paper in a crack in the wall in the hopes that it would come true. After awaking on Earth-X, Alex and the group met Ray Terrill who revealed he was in prison because he loved the wrong person, this worried both Alex and Sara due to their sexuality. Unfortunately, she was wrong on what those motives might be. "[4] When she was eight years old, Alex met and became best friends with Josie. Later, Alex immediately went to Star City to join the final battle alongside J'onn, Kara, Nia, Clark, Spartan, the Flash, White Canary, Batwoman and Wild Dog to stop the resurfaced Anti-Monitor from destroying everything once more. [6], Alex had to go through a full year of training before being allowed to work in the field. What on Earth is this?, Apparently youve become quite popular with the Superfans., Lena fixed her with a blank stare. to question Haley about Project Morae, as she was involved in it. Later following Collins' arrest, Alex's friendship with Josie fell apart and she was cast out of the popular clique, but ultimately didn't mind much. Are you thinking about her between YOUR legs?, Trust me, thats not it either. After returning home, Alex along with Kara, Winn and J'onn listened to Mon-El and Imra's interpretation of their future, Imra revealed to them that they are part of a group called The Legion and that Mon-El helped create them through what he learned from Supergirl. [20], After J'onn is forced to reveal his Martian identity to save Alex from Kara (who was under the influence of Red Kryptonite) he was arrested and questioned by Colonel Harper, along with Major Lucy Lane, to find out how he got into D.E.O. Sign up Log in. After a rough start, Alex became her new sister's steadfast guardian and ally. However, she had gone missing and Alex tracked her by her last location and found that she had been taken to the planet Maaldoria where she wouldn't have her powers. But then, the phone rings, and it turns out the birth mother decided against all odds to keep the baby. Later Supergirl and Alex rescued the detective, who helped them fighting the alien terrorist. This is a poly fic, comprising of Alex, Kara & Lena. "Lena, I really need your help." She was brave, selfless, kind, beautiful, and more powerful than any human could ever dream of being. [45] Taking the advice, Alex asks J'onn J'onzz to prepare for her a protective suit. Alex returned to D.E.O. [52] Later, Alex and Kelly decided to adopt an alien girl named Esme from the Hochschild's group home. Sorry, I'm really bad at summary's. Who is that sexy blonde beefcake standing by her bedside? day seven of twelve days of supercorp christmas one-shots from the prompts by supercorp big bang on tumblr, tree/mistletoe feat. Which means its Supercorptober! When Lena meets Kara and McKenna out one night, Kenna instantly takes a liking to her. the blonde asked while stuffing her face with the last potsticker. As a teenager, she enrolled in Midvale Junior High, obtaining remarkable results. Kara accidentally eats them. Everyone has. After Corben resurfaced as the Kryptonite-powered cyborg Metallo, Alex and Winn realized that behind the sample of D.E.O. As a teenager Alex Danvers had a one-night stand, which ended in an unplanned pregnancy, the father wanted nothing to do with alex and the baby. He stole the list of all known aliens, Alex, Kara and Mon-El confronted them, but Jeremiah escaped when Alex couldn't shoot him. When Maggie arrived, Alex told her that she couldn't see her as Supergirl had gone missing and that it was her fault. Supergirl isnt my type!. The team later built a portal but several phantoms escaped, but they managed to capture them again soon after.[48]. Alex was forced to go on the run with J'onn after his Green Martian nature was revealed and they decided to investigate Project Cadmus after realizing Jeremiah was still alive. [33], During the Anti-Monitor Crisis, Alex as well as everyone in the multiverse except for the seven Paragons, was killed in an antimatter wave by the Anti-Monitor on December 10, 2019,[34] only to be restored a month later, after the Paragons and the Spectre created a new universe. Since everyone loved my last story about Lena being able to read Kryptonese, I figured I'd write another one. Contents 1 Ships 1.1 Femslash 1.2 Family 1.3 Friendship 1.4 Poly 2 Canon 3 Fanon 4 Fandom 5 List 6 Navigation Ships Femslash AgentCol the friendship between Alex and Lauren Haley Agent Canary the ship between Alex and Sara Lance Agent Lane the ship between Alex and Lucy Lane Later, to stop Lex's plans to conquer the world using the satellites that he had launched, Alex goes with Supergirl and Lena Luthor to get Myriad. After Alex's memories of Kara Danvers' identity as Supergirl were erased by J'onn J'onzz, her view on aliens completely changed; for example, she was about to kill an innocent alien who was attacking Bobbi Miller (as he believed her to be a member of the Children of Liberty) as he was only defending his home, which forces Kara to use her heat vision to disarm Alex of her weapon. IF YOU CAN'T DO IT; WE STOP ALTOGETHER AND IF YOU CUM BEFORE THE MOVIE FINISHES, I WILL NOT SHOW YOU HOW SORRY I AM.". There is much fluff. As Alex visited from college, she chastised Kara and Kenny for stopping crime and doing good deeds because they were drawing attention to Midvale; Alex had a newspaper article as proof. As Red Daughter hovers, seemingly victorious, Alex goes to her sister, whose heart beat fades. Alex led the D.E.O. [51], After Kara's return, they had to face a transformed Kelex. Alex was glad to see how Kara managed to wake up. agents on board. Lena Luthor has returned to Metropolis and finds things just as bad as when she left three months before. When William joined the team as an ally, Sentinel and the Superfriends explained what he can and cannot post. To save them, Kara is forced to reveal her secret to Lucy, and then asks her to help rescue them. Code name It turns out that the gym is just as terrible as Lena imagined, and she absolutely will not be going back. She soon grew suspicious of "Henshaw" upon learning of her father's unwilling affiliation with the D.E.O. She is also fond of leather jackets. Her fiance was killed during a military operation. After Supergirl attempted to save a freighter from invisible aliens, Alex arrived with Colonel Haley to investigate and clean up the matter. Alex went with Kara and J'onn to find the Love Totem, but mysteriously the totem was missing. When perfect student Lena Luthor ends up in detention one day, she ends up crossing paths with the troubled Kara Danvers, who Lena soon learns is full of surprises. to talk with Alex, to warn her about the Red Daughter. [11] Alex also conducted research in genetic engineering at Stanford. i'm in love with your fanfic, when you gonna update? strike team on Maaldoria. After J'onn left the D.E.O., Alex became the new director. He explained to them that he did not kill Jeremiah Danvers, but they were skeptical about it. [10], Over the years, the bond between Alex and Kara became so strong that neither of them can imagine their lives without the other. Despite losing their father again, Kara and Alex's relationship was still strong, but Alex found that Maggie and Kara had trouble due to Kara's inability to wait. It was the one that told her, Jeremiah, and Alex, their two-year-old, what the gender of their baby was. [13], On Thanksgiving, Kara and Alex are visited by their mother Eliza, with whom Alex had a strained relationship because. to combat extraterrestrial threats, eventually rising to become his right-hand agent. After the adoption of Kara Zor-El, life in the Danvers family changed; to Alex, it seemed as if everyone was making sacrifices to hide the powers and secret identity for Kara, while Kara did as she pleased. J'onn decided to test Alex and transformed into Jeremiah, and asked for help. Its no surprise to her when she quickly finds herself falling for more than just Lenas musical talents. Lena Luthor is a 40-year-old divorced Omega, who now has 2 kids, Ashley and Natalie, who blame her for their parents marriage ending, and have a bad relationship with Lena because of this. "You ready sweetie?" When she and J'onn were working on the amulet, Mxy wanted to help them, but the duo refused the imp's help and secretly spoke that it was wrong to see Mxy without using her magic. At the D.E.O., Alex along with "Henshaw" and Agent Hartmann came to the conclusion that the Hellgrammite was eating the DDT he had been stealing, as the government had been destroying remaining stockpiles, and his food source was shrinking. Meanwhile, Kara Danvers is a young 25-year-old alpha, who doesn't act like the usual type of alpha, and is just starting out her life as an adult. At the Tower, Alex nursed Silas and learned the origin of Phantoms and how Brainy knew what a "soul" was. When Alex tried to make peace between the two, she was kidnapped by Rick Malverne and was imprisoned. Alex Danvers was sure that Lena Luthor had ulterior motives for getting close to her sister. Well, you'll just have to read the story to find out. However, she couldn't bring herself to send it. This story is about Lena writing anonymous Valentine's Day cards for Kara. Back on Earth, Nyxly and Lex teamed up to find the AllStone Totems. They headed back for the portal but an attack ship was heading for them and Izzy was grabbed by a Maaldorian. It was an accident. Wanting to be alone, Alex eventually decides to put on the new Obsidian lenses. And ally Omega o Beta at the wedding and Alex drove off with in... Stuffing her face with the Superfans., Lena fixed her with a stare... Kara how she feels, or Marley Rose able to read the story to find the Love Totem but. Kara have repaired their friendship and it turns out that the gym is just as terrible as Lena,... Wave so she went to Lena Luthor sent with her pod leave City... 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alex danvers tortured fanfiction